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Dojo Networks

DojoNetworks - Nationwide ManagedWiFi provider. DojoNetworks designs, builds, operates and supports ManagedWiFi systems for MDUs nationwide. We are looking to partner with fiber to the home companies and MSOs to bring our expertise in servicing MDUs with the complexity of MDU relationships and managedWiFi systems for them. We are also looking to establish relationships with fiber carriers in markets where we have MDU customers. An ISP since 1996, building, maintaining, and servicing high-quality MDU networks over 21 years. Working with WiFi since 1999 and building and deploying what is now the reference design for MDU WiFi in 2016. Helped write MDU industry standards and evolving state standards for affordable living communities, including those in New York. Read here. Still working with every MDU building owner or operator that has ever partnered with us; 100% retention rate over 21 years. Builds and manages hundreds of MDU projects with tens of thousands of users across the nation; currently serves customers in 24 states 99% customer (resident) satisfaction rate. Brings an expertise specific to MDUs Uniquely skilled and experienced at building simplified, affordable, and reliable managed WiFi solutions for MDU communities that are often challenged by older buildings, restrictive layouts, and cost constraints. The best solutions in MDU and affordable MDU are to deploy a Bulk managedWiFi system. Such a system, when built properly, provides ubiquitous WiFi and Internet coverage throughout the MDU for both internet and WiFI calling but also manages the RF spectrum so that all residents get a great experience and don't have issues with wireless interference caused by other residents in such a dense environment with multiple unsynchronized WiFi routers, so it is a much different environment then a single family home. Since MDUs typically have so many apartments in such a small footprint or space each individual apartment dweller’s WiFi router interferes with their neighbors. This causes internet dropouts and slow speeds. A ManagedWiFi system when built and operated properly coordinates the wireless frequencies of all of the devices in an entire building making the internet work much better for all residents. It also provides a property-wide network that allows a building or property owner to deploy other technologies throughout the property to provide greater security to the residents and better overall support of their asset. Further it enhances cellular calling coverage using technologies such as WiFi calling and Passpoint.
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